
PITCH.MD will announce semi-finalists on 3 October 2022

The application phase of the national competition PITCH.MD came to its end. Let us share with you a great news: we have received 92 different projects from creative professionals, digital and social media content creators, producers, filmmakers and all types of artists from both banks of the Nistru River.
These proposals are different by formats and by linguistic preferences of the ethnic groups living in Moldova. There are creative ideas in all of the contest's categories - scripted series and short films, TV shows and short form content for social and digital platforms, scripts and podcasts, musical projects and theatrical performances, as well as other proposals in various creative areas identified by PITCH.MD

Such big number of applications will require additional time for our international judges to review each of the applications in details. We appreciate your creative ideas and we want to allocate decent time to each of the proposals.
Therefore, we are postponing the date of announcement of the semi-finalists of PITCH.MD to October 3, 2022.

Please be aware about the five key evaluation criteria our judges are using while selecting the applicants for the final stage of the national contest:
1.     IDEA
Does the concept demonstrate originality and a unique approach for social impact content?

2.     GOALS
Does the concept clearly and effectively articulate messages that will address the social impact areas that were announced for PITCH.MD?

3.     MEANS
Does the concept have a clearly identified target audience and an effective way to distribute content (strategy and/or financing/co-production partners)? 

Does the concept and/or team include diverse populations or under-represented regions that would help to elevate issues associated with these groups and areas of the country?

5.     TEAM
Company Background and Experience – Does the company have relevant experience in media and production fields? Do the personnel profiles reflect sufficient and appropriate experience?

 All finalists have to allocate about 3 hours within their business schedules on the week from 3 October to 7 October to meet the judges at the MEDIACOR (Chisinau), to receive their feedback and to refine their pitch presentations for the final stage of contest that will take place on 9 October 2022.