
Jury of PITCH.MD has shortlisted candidates to the finals

International judges of PITCH.MD, after careful review of all 92 creative proposal, has shortlisted 22 of them to the finals:

-        “От первой микросхемы до последнего мегабайта”
-        “Colorizarea și restaurarea fotografiilor alb-negru”
-        “Acasă cu Traian”
-        “Loc sub soare”
-        “Săptămâna teatrală a lui Mihai Volontir”
-        “Все мы – Молдова. Герои нашего времени”
-        “Concert de gală al interpreților care posedă instrumente muzicale populare vechi”
-        “Tangible Utopias - Redesigning The Next Century of Moldova”
-        “Люди, открывающие Молдову”
-        “Masa Mare”
-        “Digital Poetry Bootcamp”
-        “O mie și una de istorii din Mahala”
-        “Hoș geldiniz în Găgăuzia”
-        “В гостях хорошо, но дома - лучше!”
-        “Своими глазами!”
-        “Lgbtq + Moldova”
-        “Vraja”
-        “Nano Infinit”
-        “Сила танца. Детям дорогу!”
-        “Ghiulcitai, de la Cahul”
-        “Vera means belief”
-        “Fiica vinificatorului”

This week PITCH.MD will arrange mentorship’s sessions for the teams of the selected projects, so they can receive feedback from local and international experts who will evaluate each submission's strengths and potential. Our judges will provide advice to help each of the shortlisted candidates to refine their ideas and develop its capabilities for the final pitch on October’9th 2022.

Your interest in PITCH.MD and its goal of developing diverse Moldovan creative content is appreciated. Please follow for the further news.